December 30, 2011

Manage Your Time with the Word 'No'

Whether you have very little or a whole lot--time is precious. We don't want to waste it on doing things that don't make us happy or enhance our life.

On my Facebook Page this month, I've been talking about Time Management. For my last Facebook December/Time Management tip, I wrote about a little word that takes one second to say but can save you hours/days/weeks of time.

That word is 'No.'

In doing a bit of research, I came across a great article that summed up the importance of using the word, 'No.' It's called:

 The Gentle Art of Saying No by Leo Babauta

In the article, Mr. Babauta discusses his top ten tips for learning the 'Gentle Art of Saying No.' It was so comprehensive that I felt the need to share. Read it to learn how to value your time, know and acknowledge your priorities and practice saying the word 'No.'

So, if you find yourself constantly telling people 'Yes' when you really want to say, 'No,' read The 'Gentle Art of Saying No.' It will add precious hours back into your already busy life.

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